EE 4770 Lecture Notes

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13-1                               Operating_Systems_________                              13-1

      Definition:  An operating system is the software that manages re-
      sources in a computer.


      A resource is (usually) hardware that needs to be accessed.

      There are rules for accessing resources : : :
      : : :rules enforced by the OS.

      Rules might : : :
      : : :restrict access to sensitive resources : : :
      : : :or control access to finite resources.

      Typical Resources

       - Terminal I/O.

       - Filesystem.  (Data stored on disk).

       - Main memory.  (A.k.a. RAM or core).

       - Sensors and actuators.  (In a RTS, for example.)

       - Network services.  (To connect to other computers.)

       - Threads.

       - CPU time.

      OS description here is for a typical multithreaded of Unix : : :
      : : :other modern operating systems work in a similar fashion.

13-1                 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency.  Formatted  8:10,  3 March 1999 from lsli13.    *
 *            13-1

13-2 13-2 Resources Managed on Behalf Of Tasks. Task requests__the resource. OS determines if task is allowed__the resource. OS determines if task can_ be given the resource. E.g., if there is enough available. If both are true, OS grants_ the task's request. To service such requests, the OS must keep track of how much of each resource is available and under what conditions requests can be granted. 13-2 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-2
13-3 13-3 Resource Allocation and Usage Example Consider the following code fragment. /* Allocate 1000 bytes of storage. */ 1: basePointer = malloc( 1000 ) ; The code fragment above is part of some program which is compiled and run on some system. The program, from when it starts running until it finishes running, is re- ferred to as a task. In line 1 the task requests address space (a resource). The task asks the OS for 1000 bytes of main-memory address space using the C malloc library function. The OS checks if the task is allowed 1000 more bytes of address space. The OS also checks if 1000 bytes of address space is available. If both checks are positive, the space is allocated. (If not, malloc re- turns a null pointer.) 13-3 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-3
13-4 13-4 /* Write a 3 into element x. */ 2: basePointer[x] = 3; /* Open a file for output. */ 3: mf = fopen( "" , "w" ); In line 2 task writes to main memory. The task will attempt to write to memory address given by base- Pointer+x. The write makes use of the address-space resource. The system must verify that this resource has been allocated. If the task has write permission to this address, then the 3 is written. Otherwise, the OS will terminate execution of the program before the 3 is written. In line 3 task opens a file for writing, using the filesystem resource. The OS checks if the task has write permission on the file. The OS checks if opening the file for writing could be accomplished within the task's resource limits. If both checks are positive, the OS performs all the actions necessary to open the file. 13-4 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-4
13-5 Description_of_Major_Types_of_Resources_______________ 13-5 Terminal I/O. Provided by the following hardware: A communication port to which a terminal is connected. A video display and keyboard connected to the computer. The OS might have to reserve these devices for the task. The OS might refuse access to a terminal if some other task had reserved it. The OS, in most cases, would actually read or write data to these devices. Sensors and actuators. (In RTS.) These devices are connected to the computer through an interface. The OS may reserve access to these devices for use by one task. The OS may also perform the actual reading and writing of the devices. 13-5 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-5
13-6 13-6 Filesystem (data stored on disk in an organized form). Actual hardware usually disk drives. Disks "know" about tracks and cylinders. OS organizes (as a librarian) disk into directories and files. Files are given names, owners, access permissions, etc. When a task issues a command to read a file the OS: - finds the disk the file is located on, - checks access permissions, - finds the track and cylinder of the needed part of the file, - sends commands to the disk to retrieve data, - : :w:hen the data is available: : : - reads the data sent by the disk drive, formats it for the task. This organization makes programmers' lives simpler : : : : : :and keeps the data relatively secure. (OSs which do not control access to the filesystem or devices are vulnera- ble to viruses and worms.) 13-6 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-6
13-7 13-7 Main memory (A.k.a. RAM or core). Whenever the CPU issues an instruction fetch, or does a load or store, a memory address is issued. The memory address refers to a part of an address space, which is a re- source allocated to the task. Memory is managed by the OS and by special memory-management hard- ware. CPU time. The CPU time resource is time that a task runs on the CPU. A system can have many tasks, the OS must divide the time between them. The scheduler determines what fraction of CPU time each task gets. Good CPU time management yields good performance: - The computer will appear to react quickly. - Little time to complete a set of jobs. For a RTS, CPU time management is critical for correct performance. 13-7 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-7
13-8 13-8 Network services. A computer connects to the rest of cyberspace through a network inter- face. For outgoing data, the OS would format the data into a form suitable for the network interface. The data would be transfered to the network interface, and then enter the network. Upon arrival of incoming data, the network interface will alert the com- puter. The OS will read the data from the interface and take the appropriate action. 13-8 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-8
13-9 OS Resource-Management Functions 13-9 __________________________________________________ To manage resources, the OS must provide the following: - System calls by which tasks make resource requests. Malloc and printf make use of system calls : : : : : :but are not themselves system calls. - Daemon tasks and other code needed to manage resources and used for other functions. Includes tasks that prompt users to log in and daemons which manage printers and other computer resources. - Shells, programs which provide an interface between the OS and the user. - Utility programs, so that the system administrator and users can query and change the information the OS uses to manage resources. This includes programs that display a directory listing, increase a user's disk quota, and alter the priorities used by the scheduler. 13-9 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-9
13-10 13-10 System Calls A user program uses system calls to make requests of the OS. A system call, in many operating systems, works something like a subrou- tine call to the OS. It is used by library writers and sophisticated user programmers. (Less-adventurous programmers will call library functions, the library function makes the system call.) System calls provide a "clean" interface to the operating system: They have a logical syntax (in a well-designed system). The syntax of the call is not likely to change even if the implementa- tion of the resource changes. (For example, in newer versions of the computer.) Typical uses for system calls: Write a character to a terminal. Allocate address space. Spawn a new task. File I/O. End execution of the task. 13-10 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-10
13-11 13-11 Daemon Tasks The purpose of a daemon task is to manage some hardware. A daemon is a task which waits for certain events to occur in the hard- ware (or elsewhere). When the events occur, the daemon will be notified and will take the ap- propriate action. A well-known example is the print daemon. The print daemon passes data to a printer. Since printers have finite storage and usually print more slowly than they can accept data, the daemon cannot transfer all data to be printed at one time. Instead, the daemon transfers data in small blocks. After sending a block to the printer, the daemon will relinquish control. When the printer is ready for more data, it will interrupt the system, giv- ing control back to the daemon. If there is more data, the daemon will transfer another block. Systems have many daemons lurking in the background. In addition to printing, daemons also manage network communication, and many other services. 13-11 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-11
13-12 Shells and Utilities 13-12 A shell is a program that an OS runs to communicate with the user. The user first encounters the shell after logging in. The shell prompts the user for input. Correct input is a command to the shell. The shell performs the command. Typical commands include: - Running a task. - Displaying a directory listing. - Changing directories. - Logging out. After the command completes shell will again prompt for input : : : : : :unless the command killed the shell's task. Common Shells, the shell that comes with MS-DOS1. sh, called the Bourne shell. Used in Unix systems. csh, called the C shell. Also used in Unix systems. __________________________ 1 (In the PC world, "shell" is sometimes used only for shells with a menu-driven or graphical * *interface. The broader definition will be used here.) 13-12 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-12
13-13 13-13 Utilities These programs allow users and operators to change various settings in the operating system and to perform other actions. Utilities include commands to change file-protection status, create direc- tories, and print files. The line between OS utility and a regular program is fuzzy. For example, is a text editor that comes with an OS an OS utility or a bundled program? Such questions can be ignored for this course. 13-13 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-13
13-14 Tasks,_Programs,_Processes,_and_Executables_________________ 13-14 A program is a collection of statements, instructions, etc. intended to be run as a unit. "Program" can refer to several things : : : : : :it's important to understand the distinctions: - A program is in the form of source_code____: : : : : :when in a human-readable language. Programmers write source code. E.g., source code might be in file hello.c2 - A program is in the form of object_code___ : : : : : :when it consists of machine instructions. Object code3 is not a complete program. - A program is in executable___ form when : : : : : :it contains all machine language instructions needed to run4. E.g., Unix names executables a.out by default5. - A task__(also called a process) is an executable : : : : : :which the OS has loaded : : : : : :and is, has, or will be running. Tasks are assigned process IDs. __________________________ 2 The last few letters of file names of files containing source code usually indicate the type* * of source code. For example, the c in hello.c. 3 The last two letters of file names of files containing object code are usually .o. For examp* *le, hello.o. 4 Executables are assembled by a linker from object code, libraries, start and stop code, etc. 5 Most programmers use the program name, rather than a.out, for the executable name, for examp* *le, hello. 13-14 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-14
13-15 13-15 Example: consider "Hello, world!" used to introduce C. Source Code (hello.c): __________________________________________________________________________________________* *___________________ #include int main(int argv,char **argc) - printf("Hello, world!"n"); return 0; " __________________________________________________________________________________________* *___________________ With the following command : : : [omega] % gcc hello.c -c : : :file hello.o is generated6 which contains the object code. The command : : : [omega] % gcc -o hello hello.o : : :links7 the object code with libraries and other code : : : : : :to form the executable, hello. __________________________ 6 gcc is the name of a compiler driver program. The compiler driver calls the preprocessor * *and then the compiler itself. 7 Here the compiler driver calls the linker. 13-15 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-15
13-16 13-16 The command below creates a task using the executable, hello. [omega] % hello Hello, world! Source, object, and executable files will remain in the filesystem : : : : : :until deleted. In contrast, task only existed for a few milliseconds : : : : : :starting when hello was typed at the prompt : : : : : :and ending moments later. Another task is created : : : : : :whenever hello is typed. (It's a distinct task though it does exactly the same thing.) 13-16 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-16
13-17 13-17 Range of Tasks The following are run as tasks: - Programs written for homework assignments. - Application programs, such as accounting and payroll software. - "Productivity" software, such as word processors and spreadsheets. - Software development tools, such as compilers and linkers. - Daemon programs, such as the print daemon. - Shells. - External shell commands. The following are not run as tasks on conventional OSs: (Instead they run something like a subroutine within another task.) - System calls. - Interrupt handlers. (These will be covered later.) 13-17 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-17
13-18 A_Task's_Resource_Needs___________ 13-18 A task always needs the following resources: - Address space. Executable and data reside in address space. - A thread. The part of the task that actually runs. If a task were a business, then a thread would be an employee. - CPU time. (To run the executable.) Most tasks also need the following resources: - A terminal to communicate with the user. - Access to a filesystem to read and write data. 13-18 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-18
13-19 Tasks_and_Threads_________ 13-19 A thread is the part of the task that executes instructions. Each task has one or more threads. A context : : : : : :is the info. that must be saved when a thread is stopped : : : : : :and restored when the thread is re-started. A context switch : : : : : :is the process of removing one thread's context from the CPU : : : : : :and replacing it with another. Context information usually includes : : : : : :the contents of CPU registers : : : : : :and any other registers used to control the processor and mem- ory. Context information does not__include : : : : : :memory contents8, disk contents, etc. __________________________ 8 (The memory-management hardware can hold and distinguish the address spaces for multiple tas* *ks, therefore there is no need to remove a task's address space from memory when it temporarily stops runn* *ing. A conventional CPU can only hold one set of register values, so these have to be saved.) 13-19 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-19
13-20 13-20 Threads In multithreaded OSs a single task can have one or more contexts. In a conventional OS each task has exactly one context. In multithreaded OSs contexts are referred to as threads of execution or simply threads. All threads in a task share the same address space and are usually shar- ing large amounts of data. Context switching between two threads in the same task may take much less time than context switching between two threads in different tasks. After a context switch in a multithreaded system a new thread will be running, and perhaps a new task. In multithreaded systems, the OS allocates threads to tasks. In other OSs each task allocated its one-and-only thread. 13-20 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-20
13-21 13-21 Context Switching A single CPU can run only one thread at a time. The OS switches execution from one thread to another, giving the ap- pearance that many are simultaneously running. The following occurs during a context switch: - The context is saved in a data structure that the OS has reserved for the thread. These include the general-purpose registers, the stack pointer, and es- pecially the program counter. - After saving one context, the OS will load another context. - If the new context is in a different thread the memory management hardware must be switched from one address space to another. This is done by writing the memory-management hardware's process-id register. - The last step is to load the program counter, that is, jump to an in- struction in the new thread. When the context switch is complete, a different task or thread will be running. Because of the bookkeeping involved (not just saving the registers) con- text switching takes a relatively long amount of time. 13-21 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-21
13-22 The CPU-Time Resource 13-22 A task is getting CPU time, running, whenever the CPU has one of its contexts. The task will continue to run until: it requests a resource from the OS, it attempts to do something it is not allowed to do, some other event needs to be attended to, it has exhausted its present CPU time resource allocation. At this point the OS will take control, perhaps restarting the task at a later time. 13-22 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-22
13-23 The Life of a Task 13-23 Here are the steps in the life of a typical task. - "Pre-natal" step. An executable program is waiting in a file. - "Birth." A currently running task starts the new task. In Unix, this is done in two steps: First the currently running task makes a fork system call. The OS will make a duplicate of the running task. The two resulting tasks are identical, except for their process IDs. New task makes a execve system call, loading and starting the new executable. - The new task will run for some time. - Suppose the task needs to wait for user input. It will make a system call, requesting input. The user may not provide input for some time, so the OS will do a context switch to another task. After the user enters some input, the OS will do a context switch back to the task. - The task computes some more. Suppose it exceeds its CPU time allocation. The CPU will preempt the task, context switching to a new task. Later the task will be resumed. 13-23 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-23
13-24 13-24 The Life of a Task, Continued - The task is resumed, continuing its work. .. . - Finally, the task finishes: it makes a final system call, exit. The OS cleans up any "loose ends" the task might have left, for example closing files. The OS will then release the task's resources for use by other tasks. 13-24 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-24
13-25 The Kernel 13-25 _______________ The kernel, the core of an OS, is executable code kept in a special area of memory which is accessible only through special CPU in- structions. When a task makes a system call it is executing the special CPU instruction. The special instruction is usually called a trap or a software inter- rupt. As a result of making a system call, the CPU switches from user mode to privileged mode. A second result of a system call is a jump made into the special area of memory, where the kernel starts executing. In many systems virtual address space is divided into two halves: one reserved for tasks the other for the kernel. System half of every task's address space : : : : : :mapped to the same physical addresses : : : : : :saving memory since only one copy needed. 13-25 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-25
13-26 13-26 The Kernel vs. Tasks An OS is able to enforce its control over resources because of special fea- tures of the hardware. For example, the memory-management hardware will halt any task which attempts to access unallocated memory. So why can't the task tell the memory hardware that it does have access to that memory? If the OS can do it, couldn't the task? Isn't the OS a program, just like the task? No, it's not. 13-26 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-26
13-27 13-27 CPU Modes The OS is a program made up of instructions, to be sure. But some of those instructions are privileged. Modern CPUs have a special mode, called privileged (a.k.a. system or supervisor) mode. Privileged instructions can only be executed in privileged mode. Privileged instructions are used to set the memory-management hardware and to change other sensitive parts of the system. Privileged mode is turned off by setting a bit in the CPU's processor sta- tus word (PSW). While the kernel is running, privileged mode is on. Before kernel returns to task, privileged mode turned off. As one might expect, a task cannot change the PSW, so a task cannot change the CPU to privileged mode and loot the system resources. 13-27 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-27
13-28 How the Kernel is Entered 13-28 Reasons the kernel gets entered, and what the kernel does: - A task makes a system call. The kernel performs the requested action. - A task attempts to execute an illegal instruction or attempts an illegal memory access. The kernel may kill the task, allow the task to continue, or call a special handler routine provided by the task. The type of action depends upon what the task attempted. - An external device signaled the computer for attention, by re- questing an interrupt. The kernel will call a special handler routine to attend to the ex- ternal device. This will be covered in great detail, later. - A timer (like an alarm clock) has expired, interrupting the CPU. The action taken by the kernel depends upon why the timer was set. The timer might have been set: because an external device would need attention (but could not gener- ate an interrupt), to update time-related data structures, such as the system clock, to preempt the running task because its CPU-time allocation is used up. 13-28 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-28
13-29 Example of CPU Activity 13-29 Consider a system in which two programs are running. One is searching a file for the letter X: /* Program 1 (Will run as task 5371.) */ do - c = fgetc( fileStream ); " while ( c != 'X' ); The other is computing ss. /* Program 2 (Will run as task 8462.) */ double sum = 0, i = 1, pi; while( i < 10000000000 )- sum+=1/i; i+=2; sum-=1/i; i+=2; " pi = sum * 4.0; The CPU might be doing the following: User Mode, Task 5371, Prog. 1: Execute code user wrote. (do). User Mode, Task 5371, The fgetc library function. Priv. Mode, Kernel, The read system call. Priv. Mode, Kernel, Context switch to Task 8462. User Mode, Task 8462, The while loop, written by the user. Priv. Mode, Kernel, Disk interrupted with requested data. : : : : : :OS writes data in buffer. Interrupted task resumed. User Mode, Task 8462, The while loop, written by the user. Priv. Mode, Kernel, (Entered because of timer.) Priv. Mode, Kernel, Scheduler, choose new task. Context switch to Task 5371. User Mode, Task 5371, The fgetc library function. User Mode, Task 5371, While condition comparison. 13-29 EE 4770 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:10, 3 March 1999 from lsli13. * * 13-29

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