EE 7725 Lecture Notes

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01-1                                                                                               *
 *          01-1

                            EE 7725_Interconnection Networks

       Interconnection  Network:  hardware  used  to  connect  the  processors
               in a parallel computer.

       Course Organization and Policies

       Grading and Assignments

            -  30%, Midterm Exam

            -  30%, Final Exam (Cumulative)

            -  30%, Term Paper

            -  10%, Homework Assignments (Approximately 6)

       Term Paper

               Answer the question given in the project handout.

               Term project will help develop skills needed for Master's and Ph.D.

                   -  Reading and understanding journal papers.

                   -  Discover  new  facts  using  published  information  and  your  own


               No text required.

               Papers and handouts will be made available.

01-1                      EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 11:00, 23 August 1996 from lsli01*
 *.                     01-1

01-2 * * 01-2 Office Hours Monday and Thursday, 14:00-16:30, 349 EE Building. Prerequisites Knowledge of computer architecture: - Difference between bus and multiplexor. - How memory is accessed. - How cache and main memory are organized. Basics of discrete mathematics: - Set operations. - How to specify members of a set. Inductive proof. Probability theory. 01-2 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 11:00, 23 August 1996 from lsli01* *. 01-2
01-3 * * 01-3 Parallel Computer Motivation: Serial computers not fast enough. A serial computer uses a single CPU. Idea: - Use more than one CPU. - Divide problem into parts. - Run each part on a CPU. Parts of Parallel Computer - Processing Elements (PEs) Name for CPU in a parallel computers. - Parallel Program Program which runs on the PEs. Parallel program divided into tasks. Each task runs on one PE. A PE can run any number of tasks. SIMD Parallel Computer: PEs simultaneously execute the same instruction. (Nearly obsolete.) MIMD Parallel Computer: Each PE executes instructions on its own. - Interconnection Network Used to connect the processors. 01-3 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 11:00, 23 August 1996 from lsli01* *. 01-3
01-4 * * 01-4 Hard Part of Parallel Processing Parallel Algorithms Communication 01-4 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 11:00, 23 August 1996 from lsli01* *. 01-4
01-5 * * 01-5 Course Topics Importance of Networks in Parallel Processing Performance Measures System Performance Model Types of Networks Direct Networks Measures k-ary n-cube family. de-Bruijn family. Other networks. Omega Networks Performance Evaluation Congestion Reduction /Fault Tolerance Network Equivalence and Transformation Omega Network Admissible Permutations Clos and Benes Permutation Networks Generalized Connectors Sorting Networks 01-5 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 11:00, 23 August 1996 from lsli01* *. 01-5
01-6 * * 01-6 Performance Model Goal: Show how parallel program and network interact. Modeled System: - N PEs. - P tasks. - An arbitrary (unspecified) network. Each task: 1: Computes for tm units of time. 2: Sends a message to some other PE and waits for a response. 3: When the response arrives, task resumes computing. Each PE: - Has P =N tasks. - Can run at most one task at a time. The Network: - Sends a message and return response in tnw units of time. Quantity tnw called network latency. This describes the quality of the network. The Questions: - How efficient is this system? 01-6 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 11:00, 23 August 1996 from lsli01* *. 01-6
01-7 * * 01-7 Measures of Performance Let T (N ) be the amount of time to solve a problem on N processors. Then, T (1) is the time on a serial computer. Under reasonable conditions, T (N ) T (1)=N . T (1) The Speedup of a system using N PEs, S(N ), is the ratio _________. T (N ) - A system exhibits linear speedup if S(N ) = N . - A system exhibits superlinear speedup if S(N ) > N . T (1) The utilization of a system using N PEs, U (N ); is is ____________. N T (N ) Utilization and speedup measure the same quantity in different ways. 01-7 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 11:00, 23 August 1996 from lsli01* *. 01-7

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David M. Koppelman -
Modified 26 Aug 1996 18:29 (23:29 UTC)