EE 7725 Lecture Notes

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03-1                                                                                               *
 *          03-1

                           Direct Network Graph Representation

       Idea:  describe (specify) direct network using graph.

               Network , Graph

               Links , Edges

               Nodes , Vertices

       Graph Representation

               Uses two sets:

                   -  Set of vertices, V .

                   -  Set of edges E.

               Usual notation, G = (V; E):

                   -  G is the name of the graph.

                   -  V  is the set of vertices.

                   -  E is the set of edges.

               Let u 2 V  and v 2 V .

               The following two statements are equivalent:

                   -  There is an edge between u and v.

                   -  (u; v) 2 E.

               For any graph (V; E):  E  V   V .

03-1                     EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli0*
 *3.                    03-1

03-2 * * 03-2 Notation For graphs used in class: V is a set of consecutive integers starting at 0. E.g., V = f 0; 1; 2 g. Integers sometimes used in radix-k form. Let i be an integer. Let k be an integer and a 2 hki . Then notation i(a) indicates digit a in i's radix-k representation. Digit 0 is the least significant, digit k 1 is the most significant. Other Useful Notation hxi j f0; 1; : : :; x 1g. E.g., h4i j f0; 1; 2; 3g. 03-2 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli0* *3. 03-2
03-3 * * 03-3 k-ary n-cube (KNC) Network Family Popular direct network family. Also called: n-dimensional mesh, generalized cube. Properties - All members are easily routed. - Members exhibit medium to high diameter. - Suitable for many parallel algorithms. Plan - Special Cases Described - Family Described 03-3 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli0* *3. 03-3
03-4 * * 03-4 Linear Network Nodes arranged in a line. Graph description of N -node linear network: V = hN i = f0; 1; : : :; N 1g E = f (i; i + 1) j i 2 hN 1i g Properties Degree, ffi = 2. Routing: increment (or decrement) vertex of current position until destination reached. Distance, du;v = ju vj. Diameter, D = N 1. Average Distance: __ 2 N2X N1X N + 1 d = ______________N (N 1) j i = _________. i=0 j=i+1 3 Bisection width, 1. Usefulness Diameter and average distance too large for general use. Bisection width too small for general use. Might be useful for special-purpose applications. Useful for simple classroom examples. 03-4 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli0* *3. 03-4
03-5 * * 03-5 Two-Dimensional Mesh Network Generalization of linear network to two dimensions. Graph description of k2 -node 2-dimensional mesh: ff V = k2 = f0; 1; : : :; k2 1g 2 ff E = f (i; i + 1) j i 2 k ; (i mod k) < k 1 g 2 ff [ f (i; i + k) j i 2 k k g Properties Degree, ffi = 4. Routing: - Treat vertex as 2-digit, radix-k number. - Increment (or decrement) least-significant digit of vertex of cur- rent position until equal to least-significant digit of destination vertex. - Increment (or decrement) most-significant digit of vertex of cur- rent position until equal to most-significant digit of destination vertex. fi fi fi fi Distance, du;v = fiu(0) v(0) fi + fiu(1) v(1) fi . Diameter, D = 2(k 1). Average Distance: __ 2 (1 + k) k ( 1 + k) d = ____________________________3:(1 + k2 ) Bisection width, k. 03-5 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli0* *3. 03-5
03-6 * * 03-6 Usefulness Diameter large, but acceptable. May be easy to build. Used in general-purpose computers. Well suited to some algorithms. Works poorly with other algorithms. 03-6 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli0* *3. 03-6
03-7 * * 03-7 KNC: Generalization of previous two networks to n dimensions. Graph description of kn -node k-ary n-cube: V = hkn i . E = f (u; u + ki) j i 2 hni ; u 2 V; u(i) < k 1 g. Properties Degree: ae ffi = 2n;n; ifikf>k2;= 2. Routing: - Treat vertex as n-digit, radix-k number. - Choose a digit. - Increment (or decrement) this digit of the vertex of the current position until equal to the corresponding digit of destination vertex. - Repeat until all digits are chosen. n1X fi fi Distance, du;v = fiu(i) v(i)fi . i=0 Diameter, D = n(k 1). Average Distance: __ (k1)(k+1)kn1 d = n_3___________________(kns1)s n_3 k 1_k . Bisection width, kn1 . 03-7 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli0* *3. 03-7
03-8 * * 03-8 Usefulness For k = 2. Short (logarithmic) average distance and diameter. Easy to route. Large degree (bad). 03-8 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli0* *3. 03-8
03-9 * * 03-9 Choice of k and n for KNC Goal: determine tradeoffs when k and n varied. Method: - Fix some measures. - Vary k and n. - Observe effect on other measures. Case 1: Fix N . Observe effect on average distance, latency, bisection width, and cost. Case 2: Fix N and Bisection Width Observe effect on average distance, latency, and cost. Case 3: Fix N and Cost Observe effect on average distance, latency, and bisection width. 03-9 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli0* *3. 03-9
03-10 * * 03-10 Equations for All Cases Cost (For These Comparisons). Count number of links, include width: C = 1_2N ffiw. Number of Nodes N = kn by definition of KNC. ) n = log k N ) k = N 1_n Latency (For These Comparisons) __ M L = d + ____w 1 03-10 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli* *03. 03-10
03-11 * * 03-11 Moore Bound Motivation: does the hypercube have a minimum diameter? Can use Moore bound to answer this. Method Outline: - Fix degree and diameter of minimum-diameter network. (Degree of ffi, diameter of d). - Find maximum number of nodes that any such network could have. - Solve for diameter. 03-11 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli* *03. 03-11
03-12 * * 03-12 Derivation Call some node the center of the network. Let N 0(i) denote the number of nodes at distance i from center. Then: N 0(0) = 1 N 0(1) ffi N 0(2) ffi(ffi 1) = N 0(1)(ffi 1) N 0(3) ffi(ffi 1)2 = N 0(2)(ffi 1) N 0(i) N 0(i 1)(ffi 1) = ffi(ffi 1)(i1) for i > 1. 03-12 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli* *03. 03-12
03-13 * * 03-13 Let N denote the total number of nodes in a network of diameter d and degree ffi. X d N = N 0(i) i=0 X d N 0(0) + N 0(1) + N 0(i) i=2 Xd 1 + ffi + ffi (ffi 1)i1 i=2 d1X 1 + ffi + ffi (ffi 1)j j=1 d 1 + ffi + ffi (ffi__1)___(ffi__1)_____(ffi 1) 1 d 2 ffi(ffi__1)_______ffi 2 Solving for d yields: d log (ffi2) N_(ffi__2)_+_2____ffi. If ffi AE 1: d ss log ffiN . Note that this is much better than the KNC family. But do such networks exist? 03-13 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli* *03. 03-13
03-14 * * 03-14 Shu- e and Shift Functions Used to describe edges in several graphs. Idea: Rotate digits in a number (with an end-around shift). Two definitions will be given: Shu- e Function (for Integers) Let u 2 hmki where m and k are positive integers. The shu- e function oem;k j hmki ! hmki is given by: j u k oem;k (u) j mu + __k (mod mk). Examples: oe2;4 (1) = 2 oe2;4 (0) = 0 oe2;4 (5) = 3 03-14 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli* *03. 03-14
03-15 * * 03-15 Shift Functions (for Sequences) Let u(n1) u(n2) : : :u(0) be any sequence of symbols, where u(i) 2 S, and S be the set of all possible sequences. Then the left-shift function oel j S ! S is given by: oel u(n1) u(n2) : : :u(0) = u(n2) u(n3) : : :u(0) u(n1) . Examples: oel(abc) = bca oel(1101) = 1011 The right-shift function oer j S ! S is given by: oer u(n1) u(n2) : : :u(0) = u(0) u(n1) : : :u(2) u(1) . Examples: oer(abc) = cab oer(1101) = 1110 03-15 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli* *03. 03-15
03-16 * * 03-16 Relationship Between Shu- e and Shift Functions The shu- e function is a special case of the shift functions. That is: - Given any set of symbols S, - any positive integer n, - and any set of sequences S = S S S (n times), - and any S 2 S , there exist a corresponding: - set of digits h jSji , - set of integers h jSjn i , - a mapping S ! hjSjn i such that for any S1 2 S if oel(S1 ) = S2 and oer(S1 ) = S3 then oejSj;jSjn1 (s1 ) = s2 and oejSjn1 ;jSj (s1 ) = s3 where s1 , s2 , and s3 are the integers corresponding to S1 , S2 , and S3 , respectively. In other words, any sequence of symbols could be viewed as a se- quence of digits. 03-16 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli* *03. 03-16
03-17 * * 03-17 The Exchange Function Used to describe edges in several graphs. Idea: change least-significant-digit of a number. Exchange function for Integers Let u 2 hmki and i 2 hmi , where m and k are positive integers. Then the exchange function O j hmki ; hmi ! hmki is given by j u k Om (u; i) = m ___m + i Examples: O2 (5; 0) = 4 O3 (13; 2) = 14 Exchange function for Sequences Let u(n1) u(n2) : : :u(0) be any sequence of symbols, where u(i) 2 S, and S be the set of all possible sequences. Then the exchange function O j S; S ! S is given by: O(u(n1) u(n2) : : :u(0) ; x) = u(n1) u(n2) : : :x, where x 2 S. Examples: O(abc; d) = abd O(1011; 0) = 1010 O("_"; ") = "_" 03-17 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli* *03. 03-17
03-18 * * 03-18 Shu- e-Exchange Graph Let m and n be positive integers. The m; n shu- e-exchange, (V; E) graph is given by: V = hmn i E = f (u; oem;mn1 (u)) j u 2 V g [ f (u; Om (u; i)) j u 2 V; i 2 hmi g. Characteristics: Degree: ffi = m + 1. Distance: du;v 2n 1. The exact distance cannot be expressed in compact form. Diameter: D = 2n 1. For example, d0;mn 1 = 2n 1. Average distance: not known, probably close to diameter. Bisection width: for m = 2: BW = (2n1 ). 03-18 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli* *03. 03-18
03-19 * * 03-19 Non-minimal Routing of Shu- e Exchange Graph For request (u(n1) u(n2) u(0) ; v(n1) v(n2) v(0) ): - Step 0: "Replace" least-significant-digit of source with MSD of destina- tion. (u(n1) u(n2) u(0) ; u(n1) u(n2) v(n1) ). - Step i 2 f1; 2; : : :; n 1g: Left shift the current node number. (u(ni) u(ni1) u(1) v(n1) v(ni) ; u(ni1) u(ni2) u(1) v(n1) u(ni) ) "Replace" digit n i of source with digit n i 1 of destination. Take edge (u(ni1) u(ni2) u(1) v(n1) u(ni) ; u(ni1) u(ni2) u(1) v(n1) v(ni1) ) 03-19 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli* *03. 03-19
03-20 * * 03-20 de Bruijn Graph Also called Good graph. Let m and n be positive integers. The m; n de Bruijn Graph, (V; E) is given by: V = hmn i E = f (u; Om (oem;mn1 (u); i)) j u 2 V i 2 hmi g. Characteristics: Degree: ffi = 2m. Distance: du;v n. The exact distance cannot be expressed in a compact form. Diameter: D = n. For example, d0;mn 1 = n. Average distance: 8 9 >>>n 3 __8; if m = 2; >>> 8_ __ >< n 1 9 ; if m = 3; d > >>>n 1 25_72; if m = 4; >>> : n _2(m+1)2___ m(m1)2 ; if m > 4. 03-20 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli* *03. 03-20
03-21 * * 03-21 Non-minimal Routing of the de Bruijn Graph For request (u(n1) u(n2) u(0) ; v(n1) v(n2) v(0) ): - Step i 2 f0; 1; : : :; n 1g: Left-shift the current node number, then exchange LSD. (u(ni1) u(ni2) u(0) v(n1) v(ni) ; u(ni2) u(ni3) u(0) v(n1) v(ni1) ) 03-21 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 12:54, 6 September 1996 from lsli* *03. 03-21

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Modified 9 Sep 1996 12:55 (17:55 UTC)