EE 7725 Lecture Notes

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6-1                                                                                                *
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             Two networks can look different but be the same.

             They can also appear similar, but be different.

             For example:

                    All of the networks below are banyans.

                    The networks have other similarities and differences: : :

             Equivalence refers to sameness.

6-1                     EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli12.*
 *                   6-1

6-2 * * 6-2 Defined in several different ways Descriptively Equivalent (DE): drawn the same. (Link and cell num- bers match.) Without a doubt, identical. Terminal Equivalent (TE): same cell and link connections when in- put and output numbers preserved but cells and links possibly renamed. Identical, even though they may be drawn differently. Topologically Equivalent (OE): same cell and link connections when input and output numbers ignored. Can satisfy same connection assignments if inputs renamed. Functionally Equivalent (FE): can satisfy same connections assign- ments. Two networks do the same thing but have different topologies. 6-2 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli12.* * 6-2
6-3 * * 6-3 Descriptive Equivalence Two networks are descriptively equivalent (DE) when there is a one- to-one correspondence between cells, links, and their labels, (in- cluding positions), when the networks are rendered in their usual way. The relational operator DE= indicates terminal equivalence, A DE= B means A is descriptively equivalence to B. Informally, this type of equivalence is a no-brainer. The following two networks are not descriptively equivalent: 6-3 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli12.* * 6-3
6-4 * * 6-4 Terminal Equivalence Two networks are terminal equivalent (TE) if their LGM representa- tions are identical for some renaming of vertices in V (I [ O). The relational operator TE= indicates terminal equivalence; A TE= B means A is terminal equivalent to B. The following two networks are terminal equivalent: Each of the two below is not TE to any of the others: 6-4 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli12.* * 6-4
6-5 * * 6-5 Determining if Two Networks are TE Let A = (IA ; OA ; VA ; EA ) and B = (IB ; OB ; VB ; EB ) be network LGMs. Easy cases: Two networks are not TE if: - Either jIA j 6= jIB j, jOA j 6= jOB j, jVA j 6= jVB j, or jEA* * j 6= jEB j. (The number of inputs, outputs, cells, and links must be identical for TE.) or - Either IA 6= IB or OA 6= OB . (Input and output labels must be identical for TE.) Other cases will need a mapping function: : : 6-5 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli12.* * 6-5
6-6 * * 6-6 Tool needed to show equivalence: mapping function. Maps one set of labels onto another. Notation: f j X ! Y , symbols in X mapped to Y . Example: X = fOne; Two; Three g Y = f2; 1; 3 g ( 1; if x = One; f (x) = 2; if x = Two; 3; if x = Three. If f (x) = y then y is called x's image under f ; In the function above, 1 is the image of One. Mapping function must be bijective, id est, each element of X must be mapped to exactly one element of Y and vice versa. The function above is bijective. The following mapping function is not bijective: X = fmouth; hand; foot g Y = fpaw; snout; tail g ( paw ; if x = hand; f (x) = paw; if x = foot; snout; if x = mouth. Numerical example: Y = X = hmki , f (x) = oem;k (x): 6-6 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli12.* * 6-6
6-7 * * 6-7 Notation for Mapping Function Let X = fOne; Two; Three g and Y = f2; 1; 3 g ( 1; if x = One; f (x) = 2; if x = Two; 3; if x = Three. Usual notation: f (One ) = 1 Mapping can be applied to sets: f (A) = f f (a) j a 2 A g: For example: f (X) = Y and f (fOne; Two; Three g) = ff (One ); f (Two ); f (Three )g = f1; 2; 3 g: Mapping can be applied to tuples: f ( (A; B; C) ) = (f (A); f (B); f (C)): Tuples can be network LGMs, (I; O; V; E), edges, (a; b), or anything else. 6-7 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli12.* * 6-7
6-8 * * 6-8 To Prove That Two Networks Are TE Using Mapping Functions Let A = (IA ; OA ; VA ; EA ) and B = (IB ; OB ; VB ; EB ) be network LGMs. Network A TE= B iff IA = IB and OA = OB and there exists a bijection f j VA ! VB such that f (A) = B. 6-8 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli12.* * 6-8
6-9 * * 6-9 Simple Example: Prove that these two networks are identical: Input and output labels are same for both networks (or they wouldn't be TE). IA = IB = fhI; 0i ; hI; 1i ; hI; 2i ; hI; 3i g OA = OB = fhO; 0i ; hO; 1i ; hO; 2i ; hO; 3i g Edge labels are different, of course: EA = f (hI; 0i ; h0; 0i ) (hI; 1i ; h0; 0i ) (hI; 2i ; h0; 1i ) (hI; 3i ; h0; 1i ); (h0; 0i ; h2; 0i ); (h0; 0i ; h1; 0i ); (h0; 1i ; h1; 0i ); (h0; 1i ; h2; 1i ); (h1; 0i ; h2; 0i ); (h1; 0i ; h2; 1i ); (h2; 0i ; hO; 0i ); (h2; 0i ; hO; 1i ); (h2; 1i ; hO; 2i ); (h2; 1i ; hO; 3* *i )g EB = f (hI; 0i ; h0; 0i ); (hI; 1i ; h0; 0i ); (hI; 2i ; h0; 1i ); (hI; 3i ; h0; 1i ); (h0; 0i ; h1; 0i ); (h0; 0i ; h2; 1i ); (h0; 1i ; h1; 0i ); (h0; 1i ; h2; 0i ); (h1; 0i ; h2; 0i ); (h1; 0i ; h2; 1i ); (h2; 0i ; hO; 2i ); (h2; 0i ; hO; 3i ); (h2; 1i ; hO; 0i ); (h2; 1i ; hO; 1* *i )g 6-9 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli12.* * 6-9
6-10 * * 6-10 Mapping Function for this Simple Example The "easy" part: Because (hI; 0i ; h0; 0i ) 2 EA , and (hI; 0i ; h0; 0i ) 2 EB : f (h0; 0i ) = h0; 0i For similar reasons f (h0; 1i ) = h0; 1i Because (h2; 0i ; hO; 0i ) 2 EA , and (h2; 1i ; hO; 0i ) 2 EB : f (h2; 0i ) = h2; 1i For similar reasons f (h2; 1i ) = h2; 0i As always for TE f (hI; ii ) = hI; ii and f (hO; ii ) = hO; ii . The part that would be hard (if the network were more complicated). We need to find a mapping for the one remaining cell. Since the map must be bijective, we have only one choice: f (h1; 0i ) = h1; 0i Now that we have a mapping function, we can find f (A) 6-10 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-10
6-11 * * 6-11 Use of Mapping Function in the Simple Example By definition, f (A) = (IA ; OA ; f (VA ); f (EA )) =? B That is, to show A TE= B must show that f (A) = B. Clearly, f (VA ) = VB . Check f (EA ): f (EA ) = f (f (hI; 0i ); f (h0; 0i )); (f (hI; 1i ); f (h0; 0i )); (f (hI; 2i ); f (h0; 1i )); (f (hI; 3i ); f (h0; 1i )); (f (h0; 0i ); f (h2; 0i )); (f (h0; 0i ); f (h1; 0i )); (f (h0; 1i ); f (h1; 0i )); (f (h0; 1i ); f (h2; 1i )); (f (h1; 0i ); f (h2; 0i )); (f (h1; 0i ); f (h2; 1i )); (f (h2; 0i ); f (hO; 0i )); (f (h2; 0i ); f (hO; 1i )); (f (h2; 1i ); f (hO; 2i )); (f (h2; 1i ); f (hO; 3i )) g = f (hI; 0i ; h0; 0i ); (hI; 1i ; h0; 0i ); (hI; 2i ; h0; 1i ); (hI; 3i ; h0; 1i ); (h0; 0i ; h2; 1i ); (h0; 0i ; h1; 0i ); (h0; 1i ; h1; 0i ); (h0; 1i ; h2; 0i ); (h1; 0i ; h2; 1i ); (h1; 0i ; h2; 0i ); (h2; 1i ; hO; 0i ); (h2; 1i ; hO; 1i ); (h2; 0i ; hO; 2i ); (h2; 0i ; hO; 3i ) g Therefore, the two networks are TE. 6-11 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-11
6-12 * * 6-12 Exhaustive Procedure for Determining if Two Networks are TE: Let A = (IA ; OA ; VA ; EA ) and B = (IB ; OB ; VB ; EB ) be network LGMs. 1: Return "not TE" if either IA 6= IB , OA 6= OB , jVA j 6= jVB j, or jEA j 6= jEB j. 2: Otherwise, let CA = VA IA OA and CB = VB IB OB , the cell labels. There are jCA j! bijective mapping functions f j CA ! CB . Let the functions be numbered and let fi denote function i, for 0 i < jCA j!. 3: Set i = 0. 4: Loop: Create LGM A0 by applying fi to each cell label of A. 5: If A0 = B then return "A and B are TE." 6: Set i = i + 1. 7: If i < jCA j! then goto Loop 8: Return "LGM A and B are not TE." 6-12 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-12
6-13 * * 6-13 Efficient Procedures for Determining if Two Networks are TE: Fact which will be exploited: _________________________________________________________________ _ Mapping of first- and last-stage cells is unique. _ _________________________________________________________________ _ Let A = (IA ; OA ; VA ; EA ) and B = (IB ; OB ; VB ; EB ) be network LGMs. Consider only networks in which each input and output is connected to exactly one cell. If A TE= B then: For all hI; ii 2 IA , and (hI; ii ; hx; ji ) 2 EA , and (hI; ii ; hx0; j0i ) 2 EB : f (hx; ji ) = hx0; j0i * * (1) In words: For TE networks A and B, if input i connects to cell h x; ji in network A, and input i connects to cell hx0; j0i in network B, then cell hx; ji maps to cell hx0; j0i . 6-13 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-13
6-14 * * 6-14 Similarly, if A TE= B then: For all hO; ii 2 OA , and (hx; ji ; hO; ii ) 2 EA , and (hx0; j0i ; hO; ii ) 2 EB : f (hx; ji ) = hx0; j0i * * (2) In words: For TE networks A and B, if output i connects to cell h x; ji in network A, and output i connects to cell h x0; j0i in network B, then cell hx; ji maps to cell hx0; j0i . Therefore, when choosing the fi, select only those that satisfy equa- tions (1,2) 6-14 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-14
6-15 * * 6-15 Proving Terminal Equivalence of Omega and Recursive Omega Introducing the recursive omega network: Structure of an n-stage m m-cell recursive omega network: - Each stage has mn1 cells. - Network inputs connect to stage-0 cells with an m; mn1 shu- e. - Stage-x cell outputs connect to stage-(x + 1) cell inputs with a n x 1 butterfly, for 0 x < n 1. - Stage-(n1) cell outputs connect to like-numbered network outputs. The radix-m, n-digit, i butterfly function, fi(i) j hmn i ! hmn i is given by 8 < x(n1:2) x(0) x(1) ; if i = 1; fi(i)(x) = : x(n1:i+1) x(0) x(i1:1) x(i); if 1 < i < n 1; x(0) x(n2:1) x(n1) ; if i = n 1; for 0 < i < n and 0 x < mn . In words: digits 0 and i are swapped. 6-15 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-15
6-16 * * 6-16 LGM of Recursive Omega (R ): Let k = mn1 , as usual. IR = f hI; ii j 0 i < mk g OR = f hO; ii j 0 i < mk g VR = IR [ OR [ f hx; ii j 0 x < n; 0 i < k g So far, just like an omega network. The links set them apart: ae oe ER = (hI; ii ; h0; i mod ki ) j 0 i < mk [ ae o fi (m i + d) AE fifi hx; ii ; x + 1; __(nx1)_________________m fifi oe 0 d < m; 0 i < k; 0 x < n 1 [ f (hn 1; ii ; hO; mi + ji ) j 0 j < m; 0 i < k g Non-input/output links can also be written as: ff f hx; ii ; x + 1; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(nx1) d i(nx3) : : :i(0) j 0 d < m; 0 i < k; 1 x < n 1 g 6-16 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-16
6-17 * * 6-17 LGM of an (n; m; mn1 ; S; T ) Omega Network (For Review) Let k = mn1 . I = f hI; ii j 0 i < mk g O = f hO; ii j 0 i < mk g V = I [ O [ f hx; ii j 0 x < n; 0 i < k g E = f (hI; ii ; h0; i mod ki ) j 0 i < mk g[ f (hx; ii ; hx + 1; mi + j mod ki ) j 0 j < m; 0 i < k; 0 x < n 1 g[ f (hn 1; ii ; hO; mi + ji ) j 0 j < m; 0 i < k g 6-17 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-17
6-18 * * 6-18 Outline of Proof that Recursive Omega is TE to Omega - Prove that the input and output labels are identical. (Easy) - Find part of the mapping function for first- and last-stage cells. (Easy) (This part of the mapping function could be used to show that two networks are not TE.) - Find the remainder of the mapping function. (Interesting) Proof That Input and Output Labels Identical By definition of the networks. Mapping Function for First- and Last-Stage Cells The first and last stages in the two networks are identical. Therefore, f (h0; ii ) = h0; ii : : : : :a:nd f (hn 1; ii ) = hn 1; ii for 0 i < mn1 . 6-18 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-18
6-19 * * 6-19 Mapping Function for Stage-1 Cells Consider a link from stage-0 cell i to stage 1 for both networks: In graph notation: ff ff 0; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) ; 1; i(n3) i(n4) : : :i(0) d 2 E ff ff 0; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) ; 1; d i(n3) : : :i(0) 2 ER In "path" notation: ff R ff 0; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) 0; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) ff ff 1; i(n3) i(n4) : : :i(0) d 1; d i(n3) : : :i(0) for 0 d < m. Note: The notation shows the links from stage-0 cell i. Similar notation has been used for showing the links taken by a request (e.g., (a; ff)). Regardless of the stage, cell i's radix- m representation is i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) . Mapping function for these stage-1 cells: ff * *ff f (h1; ii ) = f 1; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) = 1; i(0) i(n2) : : :i(1) ff = 1; oemn2 ;m (i) 6-19 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-19
6-20 * * 6-20 Using the mapping function: The mapping function (from the previous transparency): ff * *ff f (h1; ii ) = f 1; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) = 1; i(0) i(n2) : : :i(1) ff = 1; oemn2 ;m (i) The links in the two networks (also from the previous transparency): ff ff 0; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) ; 1; i(n3) i(n4) : : :i(0) d 2 E ff ff 0; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) ; 1; d i(n3) : : :i(0) 2 ER for 0 d < m. The mapping function used on to (hopefully) obtain R : ff ff f ( 0; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) ); f ( 1; i(n3) i(n4) : : :i(0) d ) 2 f* * (E ) ff ff 0; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) ; 1; d i(n3) : : :i(0) 2* * ER Thus, we have chosen so that links between stage 0 and 1 in the two networks will match. 6-20 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-20
6-21 * * 6-21 Mapping Function for Stage-2 Cells Link from stage-1 cell i to stage 2 for the omega network: ff ff 1; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) ; 2; i(n3) i(n4) : : :i(0) d 2 E for 0 d < m. In the recursive omega consider f (h1; ii ), cell i's image: ff ff f 1; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) = 1; i(0) i(n2) : : :i(1) The link from this cell to stage 2 in the R : ff ff 1; i(0) i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(1) ; 2; i(0) d i(n3) : : :i(1) 2 ER for 0 d < m. To show TE= R we must find maps between these stage-2 cells: ff * * ff f (h2; ii ) = f 2; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) = 2; i(1) i(0) i(n2) : : :i(* *2) ff = 2; oemn3 ;m2 (i) Using this function: ff ff f ( 1; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) ); f ( 2; i(n3) i(n4) : : :i(0) d ) 2 f* * (E ) ff ff 1; i(0) i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(1) ; 2; i(0) d i(n3) : : :i(1) 2* * ER 6-21 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-21
6-22 * * 6-22 Mapping Function for Stage-x + 1 Cells Link from stage-x cell i to stage x + 1 for the omega network: ff ff x; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) ; x + 1; i(n3) i(n4) : : :i(0) d 2 E for 0 d < m. Assume that the mapping for cells in stages x has been found. (See below.) Then in the recursive omega consider f (hx; ii ) , cell i's image. ff ff f x; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) = x; i(x1) : : :i(0) i(n2) : : :i(x) The link from this cell to stage x + 1: ff * * ff x; i(x1) : : :i(0) i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(x) ; x + 1; i(x1) : : :i(0) d i(n3) : : * *:i(x) 2* * ER for 0 d < m. To show TE= R we must find maps between these stage-x + 1 cells: f (hx + 1; ii ) = ff * * ff f x + 1; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) = x + 1; i(x1) : : :i(0) i(n2) : : :i(* *x) ff = x + 1; oemnx1 ;mx (i) Using the function: ff ff f x; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) ; x + 1; i(n3) i(n4) : : :i(0) d 2 f* * (E ) ff * * ff x; i(x1) : : :i(0) i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(x) ; x + 1; i(x1) : : :i(0) d i(n3) : :* * :i(x) 2* * ER 6-22 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-22
6-23 * * 6-23 Wrapup of Proof Determination of Mapping Function - Found explicitly for stages 0, 1, and 2. It was assumed that a mapping function was found for stages 3 : : :x < n 1. - Using this assumption one could find the mapping for stage x + 1. - By induction, mapping can be found for all stages. Since mapping functions found for all cells, networks are TE. 6-23 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-23
6-24 * * 6-24 Proof that Inverse Omega (I ) is not TE to Omega Introducing the inverse omega network: This is simply the mirror-image of the omega network. Structure of an n-stage m m-cell inverse omega network: - Each stage has mn1 cells. - Network inputs connect to like-numbered stage-0 cell in- puts. - Stage-x cell outputs connect to stage-(x + 1) cell inputs with a mn1 ; m shu- e, for 0 x < n 1. - Stage-(n 1) cell outputs connect to network outputs with a mn1 ; m shu- e. Routing: To route request (a; ff) use cell output ff(x) in stage x. 6-24 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-24
6-25 * * 6-25 Inverse omega network LGM: Let k = mn1 . II = f hI; ii j 0 i < mk g OI = f hO; ii j 0 i < mk g VI = II [ OI [ f hx; ii j 0 x < n; 0 i < k g ae o AE oe [ EI = hI; ii ; 0; _i_m j 0 i < mk ae o AE fifi hx; ii ; x + 1; _i_m + j mn2 fifi oe S 0 j < m; 0 i < k; 0 x < n 1 n2 ff hn 1; ii ; O; i + j m j 0 j < m; 0 i < k Proof That 6TE= I . In omega network: hI; 0i 2 I and (h I; 0i ; h0; 0i ) 2 E . In inverse omega network: hI; 0i 2 II and (h I; 0i ; h0; 0i ) 2 EI . Therefore, f (h0; 0i ) = h0; 0i . ff But I; mn1 ; h0; 0i 2 E and (h I; 1i ; h0; 0i ) 2 EI . ff Since I; mn1 ; h0; 0i 6= (hI; 1i ; h0; 0i )2 EI , 6TE= I : That's it. 6-25 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-25
6-26 * * 6-26 Topological Equivalence Two networks are topologically equivalent (OE) if their LGM repre- sentations are identical for some renaming of vertices in V . The relational operator OE= indicates topological equivalence; A OE= B means A is topologically equivalent to B. Mathematically, A OE= B () 9 (f j VA ! VB ) 3 f (A) = B; where A = (IA ; OA ; VA ; EA ) and B = (IB ; OB ; VB ; EB ) are net- work LGMs. The following two networks are topologically equivalent: The one below is not OE to either of the two above: 6-26 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-26
6-27 * * 6-27 Proof Methods Let A = (IA ; OA ; VA ; EA ) and B = (IB ; OB ; VB ; EB ) be network LGMs. Easy cases: The two networks are not OE if: Either jIA j 6= jIB j, jOA j 6= jOB j, jVA j 6= jVB j, or jEA j 6= jEB j. (The number of inputs, outputs, cells, and links must be identical for OE.) Hard cases: find the mapping function, f . For many networks f can be either quickly found or: : : : : :can be shown to not exist. For others, an exhaustive method must be used. Differences From TE Proofs No unique naming of input- and output-stage cells. Mapping function for input and output terminals must also be found. 6-27 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-27
6-28 * * 6-28 Proof That Omega is OE to Inverse Omega Proof Plan: - Guess a mapping function for input labels. (The first guess presented will be wrong.) - Compare links in the two networks that connect to the same input. - Based on this, find mapping for first-stage cells, if possible. (If it is not possible we have to choose a different mapping for the input labels. If a different mapping cannot be found then the networks are not OE.) - Continue to outputs. (Backtracking, when necessary.) 6-28 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-28
6-29 * * 6-29 (Incorrect) Input Mapping Function ff f (hI; ii ) = I; oem;mn1 (i) Given this mapping function: First find link to stage 0 in : ff ff I; i(n1) i(n2) : : :i(0) ; 0; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) 2 E The analogous link in the inverse omega: ff ff I; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) i(n1) ; 0; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) 2 EI The map for the stage-0 cells couldn't be easier: f (h0; ii ) = h0; ii For stage 1: ff ff 0; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) ; 1; i(n3) i(n4) : : :i(0) d 2 E The analogous link in the inverse omega: ff ff 0; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) ; 1; d i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(1) 2 EI The map for the stage-1 cells is impossibleffsince no function could ff map 1; i(n3) i(n4) : : :i(0) d to 1; d i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(1) * *(be- cause, for one reason, i(n2) appears in only one). 6-29 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-29
6-30 * * 6-30 (Correct) Input Mapping Function Input mapping will convert input number using the n-digit, radix-m, bit reverse function, ae j hmn i ! hmn i : ae(i(n1) i(n2) : : :i(0) ) = i(0) i(1) : : :i(n1) In words: digits in radix-m representation are reversed. Input mapping function: f (hI; ii ) = hI; ae(i)i Given this mapping function: First find link to stage 0 in : ff ff I; i(n1) i(n2) : : :i(0) ; 0; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) 2 E The analogous link in the inverse omega: ff ff I; i(0) i(1) : : :i(n2) i(n1) ; 0; i(0) i(1) : : :i(n3) i(n2) 2 EI The map for the stage-0 cells is familiar: f (h0; ii ) = h0; ae(i)i 6-30 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-30
6-31 * * 6-31 For stage 1: ff ff 0; i(n2) i(n3) : : :i(0) ; 1; i(n3) i(n4) : : :i(0) d 2 E The analogous link in the inverse omega: ff ff 0; i(0) i(1) : : :i(n2) ; 1; d i(0) i(1) : : :i(n3) 2 EI The map for the stage-1 cells is also familiar: f (h1; ii ) = h1; ae(i)i It can easily be shown that all nodes are mapped using ae. Therefore, OE= I . 6-31 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-31
6-32 * * 6-32 Functional Equivalence Two networks are functionally equivalent (FE) if the sets of connection assignments each can satisfy are identical. Proof of functional equivalence: Find a set of connection assignments that each network can sat- isfy. Show that the two sets are identical. This is tedious using LGMs, CGMs, and similar graph no- tation. It is much easier to do using sets-of-permutation models, to be covered soon. 6-32 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 14:03, 15 October 1996 from lsli1* *2. 6-32

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