EE 7725 Lecture Notes

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10-1                                                                                               *
 *        10-1

                              J-Partitioning of Omega Networks


               Divide Omega network into independent parts.

               Each part can be treated as a complete network.

       Simple Example:

               Upper illustration is user's view.

               Lower illustration shows network routing.

               Network  divided  into  4  parts  by  all  setting  cells  in  first  2  stages  to

10-1                     EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:24, 20 November 1996 from lsli16*
 *.                  10-1

10-2 * * 10-2 Motivation: Divide system so each user has own partition. Benefit: Users get predictable performance. Create "new" connection assignments. Each partition realizes CA from familiar family. Whole network realizes "new" connection assignment. 10-2 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:24, 20 November 1996 from lsli16* *. 10-2
10-3 * * 10-3 Partitioning Requirement: Requests in different partitions cannot share a link. Requirements met if: Requests entering a cell either: : : : :a:ll belong to the same partition: : : : :o:r all belong to different partitions. When requests for different partitions use same cell: : : : :c:ell output is a function only of partition: : : : :a:nd no two cell inputs use same cell output. Realization Choose digit positions to specify partition number. In Omega network, digit positions are same in input and output. 10-3 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:24, 20 November 1996 from lsli16* *. 10-3
10-4 * * 10-4 Functions used for J-Partitioning Functions extract digits from radix-m representation. Let x 2 hmn i and let J hni . The block function BL J (x) returns digits from x specified in J . More formally, let J hni , r = n jJ j, and x 2 hmn i . Then the block function is given by BL J (x) = x(jnr1 )x(jnr2 ) : : :x(j0) ; where the ji are elements of J , j0 is the smallest element in J and ji > ji1 for all 0 < i < n r. Examples: If J = f2; 0g then BL J (13) = BL J (11012 ) = 112 = 3 and BL J (9) = BL J (10012 ) = 012 = 1. The offset function OF J(x) removes digits in x specified in J . More formally, let J and x be defined as above. Then the offset function is given by: OF J (x) = x(j0r1 )x(j0r2 ) : : :x(j00); where the j0iare elements of hni nJ (the set of elements in hni not in J ) and j00 is the smallest of the elements and j0i> j0i1 for all 0 < i < r. Examples: If J = f2; 0g then OF J(13) = 102 = 2. OF J (5) = 002 = 0. 10-4 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:24, 20 November 1996 from lsli16* *. 10-4
10-5 * * 10-5 J-Partition Definition Overview Call network to be partitioned the host network. Let J hni and r = n jJ j. J specifies "fixed" stages which aren't part of partitions. Using J host network partitioned: : : : :i:nto mjJj partitions (smaller networks). - Each partition has mr inputs and outputs. - Each partition is topologically equivalent to an mr -input omega network. Input x 2 hmn i belongs to partition BL J (x). Input x in the host network: : : : :i:s input OF J(x) in its partition. Yi 2 m;r will denote the permutation used for partition i. The partitions themselves can be permuted. That is: Input x belongs to partition BL J (x). Input x connects to partition BL J (x)X. Interestingly, X 2 m;jJj . 10-5 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:24, 20 November 1996 from lsli16* *. 10-5
10-6 * * 10-6 Formal J -Partition Definition Given some nonempty J ae hni : : : : : :and permutations X 2 m;nr and Yi 2 m;r : : : : : :for all i 2 hmnr i : : : : : :there exists P 2 m;n : : : : : :such that for all (s; d) 2 P : : : BL J(s)X = BL J (d) and OF J(s)YBL J (s) = OF J (d) where r = n jJ j. 10-6 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:24, 20 November 1996 from lsli16* *. 10-6
10-7 * * 10-7 How a J -Partition is Specified Determine the number of partitions. Must be a power of m. Let mz be the number of partitions. Determine how inputs connect to partitions. This is done by choosing J . To obtain the correct number of partitions: jJ j = z: For a given J , input i is a member of partition BL J (i). Choose J for desired connections. For example, suppose J = f n 1; n 2; n 3 g. Then there are eight partitions. Consecutive numbered inputs member of same partition (except for last). For example, suppose J = f 0; 1; 2; 3 g. Then there are 16 partitions in a 2 2 omega network. Consecutive numbered inputs connected to different partitions. 10-7 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:24, 20 November 1996 from lsli16* *. 10-7
10-8 * * 10-8 Determine how partitions connect to outputs. This is done by choosing X 2 m;z . For a given X and J : Input s (in partition BL J(s)) will connect to an output d for which BL J (d) = BL J (s)X. This might be used, for example, to have partition 0 use the top half inputs and the bottom half outputs. Determine a permutation for each partition. This is done by choosing mjJj permutations Yk 2 m;nz . Permutation Yk is the permutation realized by partition k. 10-8 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:24, 20 November 1996 from lsli16* *. 10-8
10-9 * * 10-9 Example Goals: Divide 8-input network into four partitions, A, B, C, and D. Inputs for each partition consecutive. Permute partitions using shift. Each partition also realizes its own permutation. Solution: Permutation for partitions: X = AD BA CB DC = 0011 0100 1001 1110 Permutation for each partition: Y0 = 00 11 Y1 = 01 10 Y2 = 00 11 Y3 = 01 10 To divide network this way, J = f1; 2g. The permutation realized by the entire network: P = 06 17 21 30 42 53 65 74 10-9 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:24, 20 November 1996 from lsli16* *. 10-9
10-10 * * 10-10 Example, continued. Blocks in permutation: P = BL J (0) BL J (1) BL J(2) BL J (3) BL J (4) BL J (5) BL J (6) * * BL J(7) BL J (6) BL J (7) BL J(1) BL J (0) BL J (2) BL J (3) BL J (5) * * BL J(4) = 0011 0011 0100 0100 1001 1001 1110 1110 Offsets in permutation: P = OF J (0) OF J(1) OF J(2) OF J(3) OF J(4) OF J (5) OF J (6* *) OF J (7) OF J (6) OF J(7) OF J(1) OF J(0) OF J(2) OF J (3) OF J (5* *) OF J (4) = 00 11 01 10 00 11 01 10 10-10 EE 7725 Lecture Transparency. Formatted 8:24, 20 November 1996 from lsli1* *6. 10-10

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Modified 20 Nov 1996 8:27 (14:27 UTC)