// Code for LSU EE 4702-1 Spring 2000.

// Differences in handling of case statements.
// See also case2.v

// The comments discussed the RTL inferred by Leonardo Spectrum 1999.1f,
// which can be viewed by selecting View RTL Schematic from the Tools
// menu of the GUI.

// The module below instantiates three other modules in this file.
// The synthesis program will synthesize the module below and the
// modules it instantiates.

module simple(x1, x2, x3, sel, a, b, c, d);
   input sel, a, b, c, d;
   output x1, x2, x3;
   wire [2:0] sel;
   wire       x1, x2, x3, a, b, c, d;

   simple_2bit s_2bit(x1,sel,a,b,c,d);
   simple_3bit s_3bit(x2,sel,a,b,c,d);
   selcase s_sc(x3,sel,a,b,c,d);

endmodule // simple

module simple_2bit(x,sel,a,b,c,d);

   input sel, a, b, c, d;
   output x;

   wire [1:0] sel;
   reg        x;
   wire       a, b, c, d;

   // A four-input multiplexor.  The synthesis program will correctly
   // infer the four-input multiplexor from the code below.

   always @( sel or a or b or c or d )
     case( sel )
       0: x = a;
       1: x = b;
       2: x = c;
       3: x = d;


module simple_3bit(x,sel,a,b,c,d);

   input sel, a, b, c, d;
   output x;

   wire [2:0] sel;
   reg        x;
   wire       a, b, c, d;

   // A four-input multiplexor with a 3-bit select input.  The code
   // below describes a module that remembers the output the last
   // time sel was less than four. (When sel is less than 4 it works
   // as an ordinary multiplexor.)  The synthesis program must insert
   // a latch to get this behavior.  Of course, it's possible that
   // the engineer intended the sel input to be two bits but made a
   // typo.

   always @( sel or a or b or c or d )
     case( sel  )
       0: x = a;
       1: x = b;
       2: x = c;
       3: x = d;


module selcase(x,sel,a,b,c,d);

   input sel, a, b, c, d;
   output x;

   wire [1:0] sel;
   reg        x;
   wire       a, b, c, d;

   // This code is functionally equivalent to simple_2bit, but uses
   // comparisons in the case items.  The synthesis program is not
   // able to infer that this is a multiplexor (with a binary select
   // input). Instead it synthesizes a data selector and four
   // comparators (sel==0, sel==1, etc.).  It is able to determine
   // that the case items are mutually exclusive but it can't
   // determine that one of them will always be true.  (See case2.v
   // for more on this.)  Therefore it will include a latch.  Unlike
   // simple_3bit, the latch will be "optimized out" and so does not
   // appear in the technology schematic.

   always @( sel or a or b or c or d )
     case( 1 )
       sel==0: x = a;
       sel==1: x = b;
       sel==2: x = c;
       sel==3: x = d;

endmodule // case1