///  Notes and examples for LSU EE 4702-1 Spring 2001

///  Rudiments of Behavioral Code

//  Behavioral code is used to specify what hardware does rather than
//  describe it as an interconnection of simpler components
//  (structural code).  Behavioral code looks like a program in a
//  conventional programming language but there are major differences,
//  one difference is in when code starts running.  In C execution
//  starts with the "main" routine, procedures are executed when they
//  are normally called by executing code.  In Verilog behavioral
//  code is called in a variety of ways, some times in a way similar
//  to a procedure call, other times in response to a change in
//  a signal.  

//  Details on behavioral code will be presented later, the rudiments
//  are presented here so that behavioral code can be used Verilog
//  examples.

/// Code That Starts at t=0

//  The code between "initial begin" and "end" starts running at t=0.
module mymod1(myport,alsomyport);
   input myport;
   output alsomyport;
   reg  a, b;

   // Starts running at t=0.
   initial begin
      a = 1;
      b = myport;


/// Code That Starts Whenever a Signal Changes

//  The code between "always @( a or b) begin" and "end" starts running
//  whenever a or b changes.
module mymod2(x,y,z,a,b,c);
   input  a, b, c;
   output x, y, z;
   reg    x, y, z;

   // Runs each time a or b changes.
   always @( a or b ) begin
      x = 1;
      y = 2;


/// Multiple initial And always Blocks

// A module can have any number of initial and always constructs.
// Timing and other details will be discussed later.

module mymod3(x,y,z,a,b,c);
   input  a, b, c;
   output x, y, z;
   reg    x, y, z;

   // Runs at initialization.
   initial begin
      x = 1;

   // Runs at initialization.
   initial begin
      y = 1;

   // Runs each time a or b changes.
   always @( a or b ) begin
      x = x + 1;

   // Runs each time c changes.
   always @( c ) begin
      y = 2 * x;


/// Delay and Printing in a Procedure

// The following are useful in procedures.  They are covered briefly
// below and will be covered in detail later.

// The $display system task.
//  Used in procedures to print messages in the transcript.
//  Similar to the C printf library function.

//  $display(FORMAT,ARG1,ARG2,...)
//  FORMAT is a string that can contain escape sequences.
//  ARG1, ARG2 are the values to be printed.
//  Format escape sequences start with a % and followed by a format character.
//   Format characters: %d (decimal), %h (hex), %o (octal), %b (binary)
//                      %c (character), %s(string), %t(time), ...
//  Examples:

//  $display("The values are: i=%d or %h (hex) time=%t\n", i, i, $time);

// This is one of many system tasks.

// Delay Statement
//  Used in procedures to stop execution for the specified amount of time.
//  This will be covered in greater detail later.
// # DELAY;
// Execute the statements below DELAY units after current time.
// (See examples.)
// This is one of many constructs that affect simulated time.

module imply(x,a,b);
   input a, b;
   output x;
   wire   x = ~a | b;
endmodule // imply

module demo_the_tedious_way();

   reg a, b;
   wire x;

   imply imp1(x, a, b);

   initial begin

      // Here t = 0 (units discussed later).

      a = 0;  b = 0;

      $display("At the very beginning, t=%t, x= %d\n",$time,x);

      // This delays execution for one unit.

      $display("A little later, t=%d,  x= %d\n",$time,x);


      a = 0;  b = 1;

      $display(" t = %t, x = %d\n",$time,x);


      $display(" t = %t, x = %t\n",$time,x);

      a = 1;  b = 0;


      $display(" t = %t, x = %d\n",$time,x);

      a = 1;  b = 1;


      $display(" t = %t, x = %d\n",$time,x);


module demo_the_better_way();

   integer i;
   wire    a = i[0];
   wire    b = i[1];
   wire    x;

   imply imp1(x, a, b);
   initial begin

      for(i=0; i<4; i=i+1) begin

         $display("At the beginning of an iteration. t=%t, x=%d.\n", $time,x);
         $display("In the middle of an iteration. t=%t, x=%d.\n", $time,x);
