// Sample code for LSU EE 4702-1 Spring 2001

// First example of Verilog code, xor and testbench.

// xor gate, structural description.

module myxor(x, a, b);

   input a, b;
   output x;

   wire   an, bn, anb, abn;

   not n1(an, a);
   not n2(bn, b);

   and a1(anb, an, b);
   and a2(abn, a, bn);

   or  o1(x, anb, abn);
endmodule // myxor

// exemplar translate_off

// Testbench for xor gate.

module testxor();

   integer i;
   wire    x;
   wire    a = i[0];
   wire    b = i[1];

   myxor x1(x, a, b);

   initial begin

      for(i=0; i<=3; i=i+1) begin


         if( x !== a ^ b ) begin
            $display("Unexpected output.");

      $display("Passed test.");
endmodule // testxor